Alternative strategies

Carmignac Portfolio Merger Arbitrage Plus

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Performance Overview

Find out about historical performance, volatility and all the performance measures that will enable you to assess the Fund's past performance.

Carmignac Portfolio Merger Arbitrage Plus fund performance

Performance Overview

Data as of:  9 Mar 2025.

Performance scenarios

The figures shown include all the costs of the product itself, but may not include all the costs that you pay to your advisor or distributor. The figures do not take into account your personal tax situation, which may also affect how much you get back. What you will get from this product depends on future market performance. Market developments in the future are uncertain and cannot be accurately predicted. The unfavourable, moderate, and favourable scenarios shown are illustrations using the worst, average, and best performance of the product over the last 10 years. Markets could develop very differently in the future. This table shows the money you could get back over the next 5 years, under different scenarios, assuming that you invest 10 000 €.

Performance and Average Annual Return

Data as of:  Jan 2025.
If you exit after 1 year
If you exit after 3 years
What you might get back after costs
Average return each year
8100 €
-19.00 %
8560 €
-5.05 %
What you might get back after costs
Average return each year
9530 €
-4.70 %
9650 €
-1.18 %
What you might get back after costs
Average return each year
9980 €
-0.20 %
10010 €
+0.03 %
What you might get back after costs
Average return each year
10410 €
+4.10 %
10340 €
+1.12 %

The unfavourable scenario occurred for an investment between 05/2020 and 05/2023.

The moderate scenario occurred for an investment between 08/2018 and 08/2021.

The favourable scenario occurred for an investment between 09/2015 and 09/2018.

Source: Carmignac at 31 Jan 2025.

Statistics (%)

These measures are used to assess a Fund's risk-adjusted performance. A well-performing Fund should ideally have a solid return (measured by the Sharpe ratio and alpha) relative to its risk (measured by volatility), while being well aligned with market expectations (measured by beta relative to the reference indicator).


Data as of:  28 Feb 2025.
Fund+1.8 %-+1.9 %

Calculation : Weekly basis


Data as of:  28 Feb 2025.
Sharpe Ratio +0.4 %-0.0 %
Beta0.0 %-0.0 %
Alpha0.0 %-0.0 %

Calculation : Weekly basis

Source: Carmignac at 28 Feb 2025.

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The reference to a ranking or prize, is no guarantee of the future results of the UCIS or the manager.
Carmignac Portfolio is a sub-fund of Carmignac Portfolio SICAV, an investment company under Luxembourg law, conforming to the UCITS Directive.
The information presented above is not contractually binding and does not constitute investment advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Performances are net of fees (excluding possible entrance fees charged by the distributor), where applicable. Investors may lose some or all of their capital, as the capital in the UCI is not guaranteed. Access to the products and services presented herein may be restricted for some individuals or countries. Taxation depends on the situation of the individual. The risks, fees and recommended investment period for the UCI presented are detailed in the KIDs (key information documents) and prospectuses available on this website. The KID must be made available to the subscriber prior to purchase.). The reference to a ranking or prize, is no guarantee of the future results of the UCITS or the manager.